Monthly Archives: September 2013

Death of Static Streching?

Developing an active and full range of motion (ROM) in our relationships between muscles and joints is vastly important for optimum performance. It not only allows for greater strength and power development, but it has been shown to limit injuries as well (1). So the question arises—what is the best way to produce and maintain a full ROM in our joint complexes? Dr. Sam K. Morton at the Department of Physical Education, Exercise, Science, and Wellness at the University of North Dakota took the steps to answer this question. If proper resistance training is performed [...]

By |2022-06-10T10:03:52-04:00September 28, 2013|Conditioning, Movement|

Importance of Strength Training

If there was a drug that with continuous dosage could provide a happier mood, improved physique, eliminate aches and pains, and make you live longer would you take it? Luckily there is, it goes by the name resistance or strength training. Strength training in short is the lifting of a progressively heavier load by using muscular force in the body. The methods of doing this can vary in forms, most popular being standard weights. Resistance bands, weight machines, and even your own body weight can all produce changes in the muscle if performed in a [...]

By |2022-06-10T10:07:23-04:00September 25, 2013|Strength Training|

5 Moves For Prodigious Power In The Gym – Strength Training

5 Moves for Power Training 1Power: A term often used to describe strong, quick movements in athletics. Power is the amount of work done per unit of time. The linebacker buries a running back in the time it takes you to click the remote control. That's pure power, the sum of speed plus strength. Some power comes naturally, a product of genetics, but you can train for it, too. Techniques like plyometrics, Olympic lifts, and throws are used to train athletes around the world. Powerlifters also use power training to increase overall strength. Although there [...]

By |2022-06-10T10:00:17-04:00September 25, 2013|Power training, Powerlifting, Strength Training|

Fuel To Burn: Why Only Fat Loss Fools Train On An Empty Stomach

Fuel to Burn: Fat loss is not made on an empty stomach It's a common practice for athletes, bodybuilders, and other fat loss die-hards to wake up early, skip breakfast, and jump right on the treadmill with an eye toward obliterating body fat. This strategy has been employed by many great fitness athletes, and has received credit for helping them getting rid of those pesky extra pounds. The common rationale for the fasted morning workout is that low glycogen levels cause the body to use fat rather than carbohydrates for fuel. Unfortunately, this flies in [...]

By |2022-06-10T09:43:48-04:00September 25, 2013|Fat Loss, Nutrition|
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